Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Postcard Challenge

Hello All :)

Why do I look so sad.... :(
OK, so over the past few days, I've bought and collected a myriad of postcards from Florence and Rome and I need to send them out to people.... the problem is... I have a ton of people to send postcards too... so here's the deal:

You send me a card. I'll send you a postcard. Simple as that. It could be anything from a postcard from where you currently live to a long letter proclaiming how much you miss seeing my beautiful face... anything.

If you already sent me a card before this challenge, you don't need to send another one to receive a postcard. Your cards are on their way. :)

So, I met someone this weekend from New Hampshire. It was a boy. from Manchester. I was appalled that I would find another New Hampshire-ite. 

He definitely danced like one.

Oreos. in Italy. Wow.
So, I found these individually-wrapped-in-foil-baggies-like-pop-tarts Oreos at the supermarket one day. And the description says all. I'm deceived every time I find one of these wrappers into believing that they are Pop Tarts. I miss Pop Tarts. Dang you Italian Oreo company...... copying Pop Tarts. GAH.


Since I had an overwhelming response to my video post last month, I'm going to post another video.

I hope you all can sense the overbearingly excessive use of sarcasm in that last sentence.

So, this video here: Il Pucino Pio (The Wishful Chick)
is basically a song about animals on a farm and the sounds they make... but its in Italian. and it has some nifty dance moves. Their outfits are quite creative I must say. By the way, the chick that they're singing about does die at the end when it is run over by a tractor. Happy endings do not exist in Italy. Unless its a love story.

Why did I post this?
A. We had to watch and interpret this video/song in Italian class.
B. It was the #1 song in Italy for the entire summer of 2012.
C. It's extremely catchy and super annoying to listen to after 10 times...
D. It reminded me of my summers at camp and the ridiculous but awesome dances we did to entertain the kids. So I was reminiscing.
E. Its almost like Old MacDonald's Farm....
F. I bought it on iTunes to wake my roommates up with everyday.
G. I hope it gets more views that "Gangnam Style".


Finally, I hope you all are having a fantastic start to the month of October and I'll post again sometime soon!

And if you are the guy from New Hampshire who's reading this post, you should probably email me. Like you promised.

Grazie e ciao! 

Joel C. Yates
Il Pulcino Pio

P.S. My email is jcy261@nyu.edu

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