Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Monday Everyone! (Octoberrrrrr)


Catching up on my lovely Odyssey. blech.
This weekend flew by. I mean my weekend is literally half of my week; so I guess the whole week kinda disappeared too. I can also say that my weekend was very nonproductive, in saying, I did absolutely nothing productive. Was that redundant?

My ACTUAL Weekend:
Thursday Afternoon - I can't remember really. But I do remember staying in....
Friday - Class Trip to Fiesole (beautiful, really!); Work Study; Birthday Party @ Yab :)
Saturday - I do remember! I slept until about noon. And then.... we went out again :)
Sunday - Corri La Vita; Helped with an intervention; Went to a fake meeting; Went to a real meeting; Did laundry; went to bed.

We had quite the Stormy Sunday up here in Firenze. Basically, the weatherman was like "Oh. It's gonna storm alllll day." I disproved his theory when I opened my windows and saw the shining bright sun and not a single cloud in the sky. But then in the afternoon, like around 7ish, Mother Nature, true to Italian culture, was late. Obviously, she didn't get the memo saying that she was supposed to storm all day... maybe she got breakfast-in-bed and decided to torture us later with her lightning and thunder. But seriously.

In addition to this wacky weather weekend, (which reminds me of New England), yesterday was the Corri La Vita or the 'Run for Life' except, I walked. It was either I walk the 5k or I run the 13k. I was walking the 5k. Thank you. I got this fancy shmancy t-shirt which I got to bless with my sweat as it was 100 degrees out with 300% humidity. It was kind of cool though because both courses finished at the same time. So, as I was speed-walking to the finish line, the runners came in from the other side of the piazza and we joined together for a grand finale of about 10 metres.

RANT: Ok. First off: There was about 28,000 people. I think. Maybe more. And about 85% of them were walking. With me. The first mile was EXTREMELY SLOW. So, my friends and I made a game. We would speed walk and weave between people like crazy automobile drivers. And that's what we did. We eventually made it near the front because I think we took a shortcut somewhere.... but the course took us to the top of the Boboli gardens (which are magnificently beautiful) and we could see all of Florence. it was beautiful. then the course went across the Ponte Vecchio and into Piazza Repubblica for the grand finish. It was a lovely walk. But everyone was smoking. Which was weird because the walk was for cancer research. I love Italy. (:

So. Thats about it for today. Everyone should skype me :) either Joel Yates or joelyates401... i can't really remember which one was my username.

Anywho. Have a wonderful Monday :) Its gonna be great!

Ciao Ciao!

Joel C. Yates
Got back at the cleaning ladies today
There really is no excuse for this behavior. Words fail me.
P.S. Why am I NOT a model? lol :/

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