Saturday, February 9, 2013

Let's bring in 2013 a Firenze.

Today's Beautiful Morning
Hey Everyone!

So I'm pretty sure that you all are pretty disappointed that I haven't actually been posting to this since.... October..... but things got super busy with midterms and then I neglected the blog after I went offline. I hope you can forgive me.

So this/next week is Carnevale, which is basically a huge Mardi Gras celebration before Lent, which, this year, is February 13th. To embrace the culture of Italy more, I decided that I would commemorate Lent, though I'm not Catholic, and give up the consumption of meat for the 40 day period until Easter Sunday. And thanks to my Nana Marie, who gave me this book for Christmas:
I will now be able to explore Tuscan dining without meat. The book is full of little ole' recipes ranging from bread styles, soups, snacks, salads, and some pasta dishes. I am really excited to find a kitchen and start cooking :)

To fill you in on what I was really busy with last year, I directed Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman with a few of my student peers here in Florence. The show was ultimately a success, the audience was impressed with the show, and we didn't spend too much money putting it on. I was generally content with the outcome. You can find some of the photos from the show in my 'Pictures of the Week' section at the end of the post. (Photo Credit: BHausdorff)

This year, I'm working with one of my professors, Eric Nicholson, to write, direct, and produce Boccaccio's tales from The Decameron. We just finished the auditions last week and we plan on starting rehearsals at the end of the month, so I will definitely keep y'all posted.

What's Coming for This/Next Week:
I'm beginning my English Language teaching position at ITC Duca d'Aosta, here in Florence. I will be teaching once-a-week for four hours, engaging students in conversations in primarily English and some Italian. The students are mostly architecture students, so I will try to interest them with the Empire State Building, the Freedom Tower project at Ground Zero, etc. I'm really excited to start teaching, this will be an exciting opportunity for me to work on my verbal Italian skills, as well as, building lasting friendships with some Italians here before I go back to the States.

Well, that's it for this week, I expect to be writing posts every weekend, and I hope y'all check in on me. Keep in touch by emailing me at or contact me through Facebook.

Love y'all,

Joel C. Yates

Ceyx's crew (minus one)

Spit Take 13959008

Orpheus & Eurydice

Vertumnus (as woman) and Pomona (as herself)
Phaeton and his father (Apollo)

Real candles. Fire hazard? please. this is Italy.

A beautiful show, to say the least.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Postcard Challenge

Hello All :)

Why do I look so sad.... :(
OK, so over the past few days, I've bought and collected a myriad of postcards from Florence and Rome and I need to send them out to people.... the problem is... I have a ton of people to send postcards too... so here's the deal:

You send me a card. I'll send you a postcard. Simple as that. It could be anything from a postcard from where you currently live to a long letter proclaiming how much you miss seeing my beautiful face... anything.

If you already sent me a card before this challenge, you don't need to send another one to receive a postcard. Your cards are on their way. :)

So, I met someone this weekend from New Hampshire. It was a boy. from Manchester. I was appalled that I would find another New Hampshire-ite. 

He definitely danced like one.

Oreos. in Italy. Wow.
So, I found these individually-wrapped-in-foil-baggies-like-pop-tarts Oreos at the supermarket one day. And the description says all. I'm deceived every time I find one of these wrappers into believing that they are Pop Tarts. I miss Pop Tarts. Dang you Italian Oreo company...... copying Pop Tarts. GAH.


Since I had an overwhelming response to my video post last month, I'm going to post another video.

I hope you all can sense the overbearingly excessive use of sarcasm in that last sentence.

So, this video here: Il Pucino Pio (The Wishful Chick)
is basically a song about animals on a farm and the sounds they make... but its in Italian. and it has some nifty dance moves. Their outfits are quite creative I must say. By the way, the chick that they're singing about does die at the end when it is run over by a tractor. Happy endings do not exist in Italy. Unless its a love story.

Why did I post this?
A. We had to watch and interpret this video/song in Italian class.
B. It was the #1 song in Italy for the entire summer of 2012.
C. It's extremely catchy and super annoying to listen to after 10 times...
D. It reminded me of my summers at camp and the ridiculous but awesome dances we did to entertain the kids. So I was reminiscing.
E. Its almost like Old MacDonald's Farm....
F. I bought it on iTunes to wake my roommates up with everyday.
G. I hope it gets more views that "Gangnam Style".


Finally, I hope you all are having a fantastic start to the month of October and I'll post again sometime soon!

And if you are the guy from New Hampshire who's reading this post, you should probably email me. Like you promised.

Grazie e ciao! 

Joel C. Yates
Il Pulcino Pio

P.S. My email is

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Monday Everyone! (Octoberrrrrr)


Catching up on my lovely Odyssey. blech.
This weekend flew by. I mean my weekend is literally half of my week; so I guess the whole week kinda disappeared too. I can also say that my weekend was very nonproductive, in saying, I did absolutely nothing productive. Was that redundant?

My ACTUAL Weekend:
Thursday Afternoon - I can't remember really. But I do remember staying in....
Friday - Class Trip to Fiesole (beautiful, really!); Work Study; Birthday Party @ Yab :)
Saturday - I do remember! I slept until about noon. And then.... we went out again :)
Sunday - Corri La Vita; Helped with an intervention; Went to a fake meeting; Went to a real meeting; Did laundry; went to bed.

We had quite the Stormy Sunday up here in Firenze. Basically, the weatherman was like "Oh. It's gonna storm alllll day." I disproved his theory when I opened my windows and saw the shining bright sun and not a single cloud in the sky. But then in the afternoon, like around 7ish, Mother Nature, true to Italian culture, was late. Obviously, she didn't get the memo saying that she was supposed to storm all day... maybe she got breakfast-in-bed and decided to torture us later with her lightning and thunder. But seriously.

In addition to this wacky weather weekend, (which reminds me of New England), yesterday was the Corri La Vita or the 'Run for Life' except, I walked. It was either I walk the 5k or I run the 13k. I was walking the 5k. Thank you. I got this fancy shmancy t-shirt which I got to bless with my sweat as it was 100 degrees out with 300% humidity. It was kind of cool though because both courses finished at the same time. So, as I was speed-walking to the finish line, the runners came in from the other side of the piazza and we joined together for a grand finale of about 10 metres.

RANT: Ok. First off: There was about 28,000 people. I think. Maybe more. And about 85% of them were walking. With me. The first mile was EXTREMELY SLOW. So, my friends and I made a game. We would speed walk and weave between people like crazy automobile drivers. And that's what we did. We eventually made it near the front because I think we took a shortcut somewhere.... but the course took us to the top of the Boboli gardens (which are magnificently beautiful) and we could see all of Florence. it was beautiful. then the course went across the Ponte Vecchio and into Piazza Repubblica for the grand finish. It was a lovely walk. But everyone was smoking. Which was weird because the walk was for cancer research. I love Italy. (:

So. Thats about it for today. Everyone should skype me :) either Joel Yates or joelyates401... i can't really remember which one was my username.

Anywho. Have a wonderful Monday :) Its gonna be great!

Ciao Ciao!

Joel C. Yates
Got back at the cleaning ladies today
There really is no excuse for this behavior. Words fail me.
P.S. Why am I NOT a model? lol :/

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun....

Every Weekend. Exciting.

Oh my goodness! It is FINALLY the weekend!!!! (not trying to say that this week was too long....),

Per request of my fine roommates, I will dedicate today's post to them :) If you want a week dedicated to you, let me know!

So, who are my roommates? Well.
Roommate: Henry Knight
<------ This is Henry. He's from Houston, Texas. He plays the guitar and I sometimes find his picks under my notebooks. He also sings (TENOR.) with me during our random bursts of song. We prefer to sing songs with male singers. I showed him the song "Glad You Came" by The Wanted. He liked the song. We share the love for Ramen noodles, talking about politics when I'm in the mood, and listening to male a capella groups because they're freaking amazing. Other than the fact that he hates waking up to the alarm every morning, we're on wonderful terms.

Roommate: John Jayo

This is John. He's from Boise, Idaho. --------------------------->
Other than having a goofy face in the picture, he likes to read books, mainly poetry, as well as play guitar with Henry. I don't think they've played together yet but I'm pretty sure that our room is known for being the musical room. I think. He once forced me to listen to Rage Against The Machine. I didn't think it was THAAAAT BAD but I mean, it was torture so... it was sort of bad. I'm not sure if John sings.. I think he does....He also has a cool last name. We're also on fairly wonderful terms.... I think he likes Ramen noodles too.

Well. Those are my roommates. I often do their laundry once a week.
I do their laundry ONLY because it gives me something to do on Sunday nights and thanks to Polo, I'm an expert folder of the clothing. I think I taught Henry how to fold his t-shirts.

So. The weekend:
Friday - The plan is to go on the class trip (FREE) up to Fiesole to the ancient ruins to take pictures and learn about ancient theatre. Apparently, we have to write a report... but no one really knows what's happening. Then, I have work study for six hours. Lovely.

Saturday - I'll just leave it by saying that I'll be sleeping. All day.

Sunday - The same thing happens each week but basically, its Laundry and Homework Day. Luckily, I don't have too much homework this weekend :)

And then its Monday. But I'm not thinking about it. Nope. I refuse.

September Music Video Challenge:
Don't forget to vote for your favorite video. Like seriously, its either Gangnam Style guy or One Direction. C'mon. You have to like AT LEAST ONE of them.

I got no responses. So I was extremely disappointed. Don't make me declare a winner myself.

Well guys, that's all I have for you today, maybe I'll post some pictures over the weekend :)


Joel C. Yates
Trying to get a better picture of John for my blog

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy, until we see the sun....Tonight, let's get some and live while we're young

P.S. The first photo is of me drinking orange soda. For all of you that thought I was an alcoholic. PLEASE.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Let's Talk About Bad Ideas...... :)

Hello and Greetings from Florence!

Well. One month ago, I said goodbye to my friends and family and as I got on the plane, I realized that I wouldn't be coming back to America for three and a half months. Now that one month has gone by (even though it has felt like a year or so), I think I have (FINALLY) assimilated to the culture here in Italy. AND. I. Love. It.

September Music Video Contest:
This is just a little something to keep me entertained. Tell me in the comments which video you like the best! (and you can't like both)

Video Choice #1

Video Choice #2

Thanks! Your vote will be appreciated! :)

Bad Ideas:
  1. Vogue Fashion Week Night Out --> So a bunch of friends and I went out to this event in Florence (it was free) and it was like a Tuesday night. We get to the event and it is crowded with people. I would say 'packed' but there was definitely enough space to walk around. Basically, all the stores are open until the wee hours of the morning hosting fashion shows, playing loud music, and most importantly, handing out free alcohol (Now before you all get concerned, I only had one glass of champagne and one cocktail). Here's the bad part: Not only did it get several members of our group extremely intoxicated, this event also attracted the Florentine hobos who were also getting drunk. Another thing, who gives out alcohol in a high-end designer store? Like champagne in expensive glassware? Yeah. All the drunkards dropped their drinks, ergo, smashing the glass and spilling champagne EVERYWHERE. Say goodbye to that 300 Euro jacket because the value just depreciated.
  2. Wheelchair Escapades --> So one of my amazing friends, Anastasia, keeps her wheelchair in our room for safekeeping and ONCE IN AWHILE, I go out in the wheelchair on little, tiny adventures. You know what's hard to do? Trying to maneuver a wheelchair through gravel. That's hard. So anyways, I would be in the wheelchair and while no one is looking, I'd go down the valley path. Here's the bad thing: there is no possible way to steer a wheelchair when it is accelerating at rates too high to comprehend, ergo, I lost control of the chair and landed in the hedge by the volleyball nets. Luckily, my impression in the hedge was covered up the next day when the gardeners noticed the blemish and fixed it up. How nice. Oh. And I also wasn't wearing a helmet. :) #YOLO
  3. Keeping food in your room --> Each week, I go out to the supermarket to buy some bread and sandwich supplies along with other snacks and drinks for the week and we keep all of it in our rooms. Now that everyone knows that I can make sandwiches fairly well, I get constant requests for sandwiches. Not that I don't mind, but if I'm trying to sleep, you're not getting a sandwich. Here's the bad part: We are out of bread. (I love you Perris <3 )
So, I'm talking to a few friends from high school and they're always like: How's Italy? Well. Let me tell you.

It's amazing. If you ever have the slightest chance of coming over, DO IT and you will never ever regret it. When its not cloudy, I wake up to the most spectacular sunrises that I've ever seen. The sunsets are so gorgeous especially since our campus is on a hill and we can see everything. The food, although questionable sometimes, is still amazing. It is not your "run-of-the-mill" Olive Garden style food. It is gourmet Tuscan cooking and it is so delicious, that you'll probably gain about 3 pounds just from looking at it. But its OK because, you're in Italy and you'll walk it off when you're taking the town by foot EVERYDAY. And although the drivers are crazy, you don't have to worry about it because you're a pedestrian... unless you're in a taxi. Don't get me wrong, I miss America, my friends and family, and real Chinese food, but its wonderful here. GET OVER HERE. please.

Well, until next week, I'm going to drown my time in 'One Direction' music, fake Nutella, and Plato's Republic. And I expect EVERYONE to Gangnam Style sometime this week: at work, at school, on the bus, in your bedroom, or with your mom. That is my personal challenge to you.

Ciao Ciao!

Joel C. Yates
Broken Bones because of wheelchair accident #YOLO

Monday, September 17, 2012

Buon Giorno! Its Tuesday!!!......wah.

Good Morning Everyone!
Me and my baby: Special K Chocolate :)
This morning, I had the ingenious idea of calling my old employer (Polo Ralph Lauren) back at midnight (their time). Now before y'all go crazy, saying that "S/He must've been mad at you"... I'll tell you that this week the Polo RL staff is going crazy and working overnight to prepare the store for the Holiday season (which is a bit early..) but anywho, I called and they were like "Oh my goodness, Joel! We miss you!" Then I told them how I missed the retail business and how I do my roommates' laundry to cope with my empty hole for retail. Yup. I standardize my roommates' laundry.

I'm going to call again tomorrow or something :)

If you haven't noticed, I found a box of Special K Chocolate at the grocery store here in Florence. Oh my goodness. My breakfasts now have a little more meaning than a pear, a crossiant, and marscapone cheese. I cannot wait to eat ALL OF IT. In a reasonable amount of time.

I would like to take this time to appreciate my family. I received a package the other day with a LOT of Ramen. Lots and lots. And tuna fish. And granola bars. And goldfish (Gosh, I miss those). To comment on the Italian food once again, THERE IS NO JUNK FOOD HERE. No Doritos, No Cheetos, NOTHING. Its good because I won't be caught snacking but its awful because if I do have to snack, I'll be eating a straight-up cannoli or a bowl of nutella. (Don't worry, I have not eaten a bowl of Nutella.... recently.... ;)

This evening, there is an 'NYU Theatre Group' Meeting for my campus. Tonight, I will be presenting the play by Mary Zimmerman, Metamorphoses, how it relates to the freshman curriculum, and how it will be an exceptional performance considering that we have a 15th century pool on campus. I'm so excited.

Other than that meeting, I have a few classes today.... like 3/4 of my classes. BLAH.

I think I'll go out for Italian karaoke tonight CONSIDERING my first class tomorrow isn't until 3:00P.M.... huh.

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful day. Wake up for the sunrise. It's beautiful. Like every other day.... but seriously. Its magnificent.

Grazie e Buona giornata !

Joel C. Yates
Craving Junk Food

Weekend Update: Its getting cold.... and we're getting colds.

Hello Everyone!

So, as you can probably tell from the title, I'm still a little bit sick from my trip to Rome (sad face.) but I feel so much better than I did that's an improvement! The only thing drawback about having a small campus of 300ish and a freshman class of about 80 is that when someone gets sick, WE ALL GET SICK. We don't know who the culprit is yet...but we'll find 'em.

So, I'm not exactly sure when I posted last but I did have an eventful weekend :)

Thursday - After classes, I went with a group out to the bars and clubs. Every place, except one place, was dead. And at that one place, it was CRAZY. (I was sober, for those who were a bit worried). They had like these firecracker cigar thingies and people were dancing EVERYWHERE. on tables. on chairs. with the DJ, with the DJ's friend. If you've ever been in a basketball court, cut it about in half length-wise and try to fit about 500 people in that space. We left around 2:30am.

Friday - After a crazyish night, I had my workstudy job for six hours. 12-6. as a receptionist. Now, I only had one shift and I know its going to be an awful job. First off, I'm a receptionist in a classroom building. Secondly, there are no classes on Fridays. Thirdly, no one (AND I MEAN NO ONE) is in the academic buildings on Fridays. And fourthly, I cleaned whiteboards and classrooms for 90 minutes and the remaining 4 1/2 hours I spent playing Mahjong on my laptop. I was bored. Good thing my boss listens to Gaga and Ke$ha. That night wasn't as crazy. We went to an American Diner (!!!!) and ate American food. Like a Bacon Cheeseburger, fries, AND A MILKSHAKE. (guhhhh..... dying). I'm having American food withdrawals. I mean, living in Italy is like being trapped in a mall's Olive Garden. The salads and pastas keep coming, but all you want is some McDonalds.

Saturday - Let's just say I slept all day. (OK, until about 3pm). and I attempted to do some homework. I was invited to watch "Mean Girls". I accepted this invitation.

Sunday - I worked on my term paper for Writing ALL DAY. It was fantastic. Then, our floor decided to watch "Bridesmaids" in my room :)

METACOMMENT: So. Dinner on Sundays: STORY:
Basically, everyone parties hard on Saturday night (except for me, of course....) and NO ONE wakes up for breakfast on Sundays. Actually, no one wakes up for breakfast EVER. NYU has this strange policy where they don't serve lunch on the weekends. So, we starve ourselves until dinner OR we can order pizza for about 7 euros. So, by the time dinner comes around on weekends, it kinda looks like this:
Dinner at NYU Florence = Black Friday at Macys

Now today, I'm attempting to read like 100 pages of "Mahabharata" and finishing my Italian homework. Thankfully, I have classes at 1:30 and 3:00, so, I have the morning to myself! :)

Today's cleaning day and I'm pretty sure that every time the cleaning ladies come in to do their thing, they're always judging my room and the mess it contains. Like basically they talk about it in Italian, EXCEPT I have no idea what they're saying... ONE DAY. I will come back and respond to your nonsense, ladies.... ONE DAY.

Well, that's about it...... Sorry for the lack of photos but here's one of me being studious:
The Five Dialogues. I only read two.

Until next time, buona giornata!

Joel C. Yates
The Cleaning Ladies' Nightmare