Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Update: Its getting cold.... and we're getting colds.

Hello Everyone!

So, as you can probably tell from the title, I'm still a little bit sick from my trip to Rome (sad face.) but I feel so much better than I did that's an improvement! The only thing drawback about having a small campus of 300ish and a freshman class of about 80 is that when someone gets sick, WE ALL GET SICK. We don't know who the culprit is yet...but we'll find 'em.

So, I'm not exactly sure when I posted last but I did have an eventful weekend :)

Thursday - After classes, I went with a group out to the bars and clubs. Every place, except one place, was dead. And at that one place, it was CRAZY. (I was sober, for those who were a bit worried). They had like these firecracker cigar thingies and people were dancing EVERYWHERE. on tables. on chairs. with the DJ, with the DJ's friend. If you've ever been in a basketball court, cut it about in half length-wise and try to fit about 500 people in that space. We left around 2:30am.

Friday - After a crazyish night, I had my workstudy job for six hours. 12-6. as a receptionist. Now, I only had one shift and I know its going to be an awful job. First off, I'm a receptionist in a classroom building. Secondly, there are no classes on Fridays. Thirdly, no one (AND I MEAN NO ONE) is in the academic buildings on Fridays. And fourthly, I cleaned whiteboards and classrooms for 90 minutes and the remaining 4 1/2 hours I spent playing Mahjong on my laptop. I was bored. Good thing my boss listens to Gaga and Ke$ha. That night wasn't as crazy. We went to an American Diner (!!!!) and ate American food. Like a Bacon Cheeseburger, fries, AND A MILKSHAKE. (guhhhh..... dying). I'm having American food withdrawals. I mean, living in Italy is like being trapped in a mall's Olive Garden. The salads and pastas keep coming, but all you want is some McDonalds.

Saturday - Let's just say I slept all day. (OK, until about 3pm). and I attempted to do some homework. I was invited to watch "Mean Girls". I accepted this invitation.

Sunday - I worked on my term paper for Writing ALL DAY. It was fantastic. Then, our floor decided to watch "Bridesmaids" in my room :)

METACOMMENT: So. Dinner on Sundays: STORY:
Basically, everyone parties hard on Saturday night (except for me, of course....) and NO ONE wakes up for breakfast on Sundays. Actually, no one wakes up for breakfast EVER. NYU has this strange policy where they don't serve lunch on the weekends. So, we starve ourselves until dinner OR we can order pizza for about 7 euros. So, by the time dinner comes around on weekends, it kinda looks like this:
Dinner at NYU Florence = Black Friday at Macys

Now today, I'm attempting to read like 100 pages of "Mahabharata" and finishing my Italian homework. Thankfully, I have classes at 1:30 and 3:00, so, I have the morning to myself! :)

Today's cleaning day and I'm pretty sure that every time the cleaning ladies come in to do their thing, they're always judging my room and the mess it contains. Like basically they talk about it in Italian, EXCEPT I have no idea what they're saying... ONE DAY. I will come back and respond to your nonsense, ladies.... ONE DAY.

Well, that's about it...... Sorry for the lack of photos but here's one of me being studious:
The Five Dialogues. I only read two.

Until next time, buona giornata!

Joel C. Yates
The Cleaning Ladies' Nightmare


  1. Glad your feeling better and it sounds like you are bringing the party to a whole new level...small space, LOTS of people....
