Friday, September 7, 2012

Benvenuto a Roma in Italia!

After a two-hour long wait at the Firenze Santa Maria Novella Train Station, four hours on the train (which I thought was an express.....), and ten minutes trying to find my friend in the Roma Termini Train Station... I am finally in Rome!!!
So. Ten Things About Today:

1) We went to the Hard Rock Cafe' here in Rome.
2) We went to the Spanish steps.
3) We went to the Trevi Fountain and made a few wishes.
4) We took a lot of awkward photos in an attempt to break some social norms.
5) I practiced my Italian with my friend Veronica, who is, apparently, very impressed.
6) We went to the Castel Sant'Angelo.
7) We took some photos in Piazza San Paolo (Vatican city)
8) We ate some gelato at the BEST Gelateria
9) We rode on the back of motorcycles.
10) We took full advantage of the public transportation system. Apparently, nobody pays for the buses.

Other than those 10 things, I am super super tired and I will sleep until 10:00 tomorrow morning!

Buona notte, e A Dopo!

Joel C. Yates


  1. Glad you're having a good time..looks like you are having a chance to have a life away from school :)

  2. Yes! I'm so glad I got to visit Rome... not so glad that I got sick, but all in all, it was a wonderful trip!
