Monday, September 17, 2012

Buon Giorno! Its Tuesday!!!......wah.

Good Morning Everyone!
Me and my baby: Special K Chocolate :)
This morning, I had the ingenious idea of calling my old employer (Polo Ralph Lauren) back at midnight (their time). Now before y'all go crazy, saying that "S/He must've been mad at you"... I'll tell you that this week the Polo RL staff is going crazy and working overnight to prepare the store for the Holiday season (which is a bit early..) but anywho, I called and they were like "Oh my goodness, Joel! We miss you!" Then I told them how I missed the retail business and how I do my roommates' laundry to cope with my empty hole for retail. Yup. I standardize my roommates' laundry.

I'm going to call again tomorrow or something :)

If you haven't noticed, I found a box of Special K Chocolate at the grocery store here in Florence. Oh my goodness. My breakfasts now have a little more meaning than a pear, a crossiant, and marscapone cheese. I cannot wait to eat ALL OF IT. In a reasonable amount of time.

I would like to take this time to appreciate my family. I received a package the other day with a LOT of Ramen. Lots and lots. And tuna fish. And granola bars. And goldfish (Gosh, I miss those). To comment on the Italian food once again, THERE IS NO JUNK FOOD HERE. No Doritos, No Cheetos, NOTHING. Its good because I won't be caught snacking but its awful because if I do have to snack, I'll be eating a straight-up cannoli or a bowl of nutella. (Don't worry, I have not eaten a bowl of Nutella.... recently.... ;)

This evening, there is an 'NYU Theatre Group' Meeting for my campus. Tonight, I will be presenting the play by Mary Zimmerman, Metamorphoses, how it relates to the freshman curriculum, and how it will be an exceptional performance considering that we have a 15th century pool on campus. I'm so excited.

Other than that meeting, I have a few classes today.... like 3/4 of my classes. BLAH.

I think I'll go out for Italian karaoke tonight CONSIDERING my first class tomorrow isn't until 3:00P.M.... huh.

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful day. Wake up for the sunrise. It's beautiful. Like every other day.... but seriously. Its magnificent.

Grazie e Buona giornata !

Joel C. Yates
Craving Junk Food

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