Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sick. As. A. Dog. :/


Well, I guess this was going to happen sooner or later... but.... I'm pretty sick (just a cold, thankfully). Apparently, the trains here go a little bit faster than the trains in the U.S. (no one told me....) and there's lots of tunnels between here and Rome.....

Basically what happened was.... on the train, we would be going 120-140km/h (about 80-90mph) and we would go through these tunnels. The pressure would increase dramatically, and instinctively, I expected a mask to fall from the overhead bins... but they didn't.... and my ears were slowly destroyed by the pressure changes that I got a nice headache by the time I got there. 

METACOMMENT: Funny thing is, the fastest trains here go about 300km/h.... So, its pretty funny getting passed, then lapped, by the same train... TWICE.

Luckily for me, I knew in my mind that I packed some ibuprofen, so I decided I would get it when I got to my friend's house. But in reality, I left the ibuprofen back at my dorm. *ugh*. THANKFULLY, the Mancinellis gave me some Paracetamol (Italy's Tylenol equivalent). They're so nice :) I love them! They remind me of my family.

So, I'm trying to take some ibuprofen here at the dorm and take a few cough drops so I don't cough over everyone during class....

Huh. Coldplay seems to be soothing my mind.

I know I promised this a while ago, but the video tour will be done on a day when its actually sunny out. For some reason, we've been having some cloud issues.

Well, until next time....

Grazie per tua atenzione e Arrivederci!

Joel C. Yates
Sleeping All day.

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