Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week Two Update: Rome?

Well, I bet the majority of you are probably thinking.... "Wow, its been awhile since Joel has posted on his blog" and "Gee, I wonder when he'll post again". Folks, here is the remarkable post you all have been waiting for!

But in reality, the truth is that this was my first full week of school.... and not to sound like a freshman, but I would like to be able to adjust to my college schedule of classes, meal times, parties, and homework sessions in a relaxed fashion and organized manner.

So, its my 2nd weekend in Florence (whaaa?) and I decided that I would travel here:


It really wasn't a spontaneous decision, at least that's what I tell my parents, but I'm going to Rome because I want to see one of my friends from High School, Veronica Mancinelli, a native citizen of Rome, Italy. Sightseeing? I guess if I have to :)

OK, so this week, I had an encounter with one of these:
and if you're wondering what THAT^^^^^^^^ is.... well. its the Italian equivalent of a Twinkie with chocolate filling. EXCEPT its not deep-fried in a vat of oil AND its APPARENTLY super healthy. Why I bought it? I was hungry and I needed some quick energy. Did I satisfy my need? Partially. FIRSTLY, the Twinkie wasn't even a Twinkie. It was bread. Straight up, baked-in-an-oven, 'use-it-for-your-PBJ-sandwich', All-American BREAD. And inside was this frosting, almost like nutella, but chocolately substance.

All in all, I ate it anyway. It was super dry though.

And this week's Picture of the Week:
'The Art of War'
a required reading for my Social Foundations Class

So. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I will try to post a little bit more frequently during my trip to Rome.


Joel C. Yates

P.S. If you haven't tried the Recipe of the Month, you better.

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