Friday, August 31, 2012

Recipe of the Month: Pasta Bolognese

Buona notte!

So, the FEATURED Recipe of the Month is Pasta Bolognese (BOH-LO-NEH-SAY)! Please try this at home because it is SUPER DELICIOUS. We had it for dinner and this is the recipe our kitchen uses. So, literally, FROM OUR KITCHEN to YOURS.


  • 1 large onion or 2 small, cut into 1-inch dice
  • 2 large carrots, cut into 1/2-inch dice
  • 3 ribs celery, cut into 1-inch dice
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • Extra-virgin olive oil, for the pan
  • Kosher salt
  • 3 pounds ground chuck, brisket or round or combination
  • 2 cups tomato paste
  • 3 cups hearty red wine
  • Water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 bunch thyme, tied in a bundle
  • 1 pound spaghetti
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
  • High quality extra-virgin olive oil, for finishing


1. In a food processor, puree onion, carrots, celery, and garlic into a coarse paste. In a large pan over medium heat, coat pan with oil. Add the pureed veggies and season generously with salt. Bring the pan to a medium-high heat and cook until all the water has evaporated and they become nice and brown, stirring frequently, about 15 to 20 minutes. Be patient, this is where the big flavors develop.
2. Add the ground beef and season again generously with salt. BROWN THE BEEF! Brown food tastes good. Don't rush this step. Cook another 15 to 20 minutes.
3. Add the tomato paste and cook until brown about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the red wine. Cook until the wine has reduced by half, another 4 to 5 minutes.
4. Add water to the pan until the water is about 1 inch above the meat. Toss in the bay leaves and the bundle of thyme and stir to combine everything. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer, stirring occasionally. As the water evaporates you will gradually need to add more, about 2 to 3 cups at a time. Don't be shy about adding water during the cooking process, you can always cook it out. This is a game of reduce and add more water. This is where big rich flavors develop. If you try to add all the water in the beginning you will have boiled meat sauce rather than a rich, thick meaty sauce. Stir and TASTE frequently. Season with salt, if needed (you probably will). Simmer for 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
5. During the last 30 minutes of cooking, bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat to cook the spaghetti. Pasta water should ALWAYS be well salted. Salty as the ocean! TASTE IT! If your pasta water is under seasoned it doesn't matter how good your sauce is, your complete dish will always taste under seasoned. When the water is at a rolling boil add the spaghetti and cook for 1 minute less than it calls for on the package. Reserve 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking water.
6. While the pasta is cooking remove 1/2 of the ragu from the pot and reserve.
7. Drain the pasta and add to the pot with the remaining ragu. Stir or toss the pasta to coat with the sauce. Add some of the reserved sauce, if needed, to make it about an even ratio between pasta and sauce. Add the reserved pasta cooking water and cook the pasta and sauce together over a medium heat until the water has reduced. Turn off the heat and give a big sprinkle of Parmigiano and a generous drizzle of the high quality finishing olive oil. Toss or stir vigorously. Divide the pasta and sauce into serving bowls or 1 big pasta bowl. Top with remaining grated Parmigiano. Serve immediately.

Source: Villa Natalia Kitchen via Food Network Online

^^Joel's Stamp of Approval^^

Ok, so yeah, its a lot of work for one meal and I know that most of you lead busy lives. BUT. Sometime this month. Take one day and cook this AMAZING recipe. 

And once you do, please let me know how it worked out for you and if I like your experience, I'll feature it on the blog!

Happy Cooking and Ciao!

Joel C. Yates
Food Connoseiur 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"First-Day-of-School" Blues

Buona sera Americani (edited by my roomate Henry because I can't type in Italian),

Well, for all you Merrimack-ians and other people starting school today. I also started school today. I only had three classes:

CULTURE FOUNDATIONS - a glorified version of Art History and Literature. I decided that I would like my professor very much when he pulled out his masks and started dancing around the room.   I was happy to learn that he is fascinated by the performing arts. He's putting on a play in Villa Pietra this spring. Going to be in it.

WRITING I - literally the EASIEST writing class on the face of this planet. One major paper for this entire semester and three free writing exercises. Thats it. All reading material is to be covered in class unless we "wanted to be overachievers and do it ourselves"... and my professor is British. :D

ITALIAN - well. if I could understand my professor, I would totally tell you how Italian class was. Ciao?

Today's Advice: Even if the going gets tough, like Italian, keep trying and trying and eventually, you're grammar will correct itself and you'll be fine :)

Coming Soon! A tour of Villa La Pietra! Voiced by me!

Also Coming Soon: Recipes from the Florentines!

Off to eat dinner,

Joel C. Yates

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Picture Installment 1: Benvenuti a Firenze!

Alright folks,

I know you've all been waiting for some pictures so, here's the link to my Facebook's Photo Album.


I hope it works!

Let me know how you like the pictures!

--Joel C. Yates

Orientation Day (Part Two)

Buon Giorno!

Today, all of us NYU kids were bussed into the city to the Odean Theatre to sit and listen to the administrative staff to talk to us about things like safety in the city, the events on campus, and other somewhat pointless information that really did NOT need to take up 7 hours of our time. Yes, I understand that MAYBE since we're in a foreign country, we should be reminded not to get arrested. But if people are asking.. "Well, what if this happens...." for like 2 hours, I'm pretty sure that we all get the jist of the whole "don't get arrested" thing.

Sorry for the rant.

So, I was cruising through my Facebook newsfeed this afternoon and I stumbled upon this post:

"Oh my goodness, I hope we're not having pasta for lunch. I'm sick of it already".

I mean seriously? You're in Italy! What do you expect? Tacos, Chips and Salsa? But then again, I can sympathize because I have been experiencing American food withdrawals. (We did have french fries last night :) )

Pictures to come soon, I promise!

Classes Begin Tomorrow... Time to put the game faces on.

Considerably jet-lagged (aren't we supposed to get better as we progress...?),

Joel C. Yates

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Night on the Town

Hello! and Buona Sera!

Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight, a group of my new-found friends and I went for a nice three or four mile adventure into Florence to go see the Duomo and the Ponte Vecchio (see the pictures below!)

DUOMO: Literally, the COOLEST thing I've EVER SAW. The pictures really don't do it too much justice because you really have to be there to internalize the beauty of the architecture and the amazingness of the building itself.

PONTE VECCHIO: This is basically a bridge littered with stores, shops, and vendors. At night it is lit up and it is very common to find couples on the shoreline doing their thing because the atmosphere is literally just perfect. The moon was full, the river was quietly moving by, the sounds of Florence in the background, and clicks and flashes of American cameras.

In addition, I had my first sampling of REAL ITALIAN GELATO. Which was hands-down delicious. It melts in your mouth so fast and its wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Like if you took the word "wonderful" and the word "explosion"combined them both together like they do on Sesame Street, melt it down, freeze it, and add sugar, you would get the best gelato. EVER.

I'll bring back a recipe.

Well, nighty-nights for now,

Tomorrow I'll be getting my passport checked! Wheeeee.... like really, you need to check my passport? How do you think I got here....

Italian Love,

Joel C. Yates
The Duomo, well the front of it anyways...

Ponte Vecchio!!! *sigh*

**More pictures to follow in a few days!**

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sleep, Orientation, and Chocolate

Hello, Ciao, Buon Giorno!

Well everyone, I survived my first ever adventure into Florence last night.
STORY: So, a bunch of us rascals decided it would be a cool idea to walk downtown for the night and aimlessly wander through the city. We all concluded that if we didn't get hit by a moving vehicle (see below) and we all made it back to the Villas, it would be a successful evening.

DRIVERS IN ITALY: Let's see. So, for all of you people out there who operate a motor vehicle, please visualize the worst possible driving scenario at a traffic circle. Now, take out the yield, stop, and one way signs, a few stop lights, add about 1,000 pedestrians, decrease the size of the circle to a 5 foot diameter, and add a few crazy motorcyclists into the mix. Congratulations, Benvenuti in Italia!

CONTINUATION OF STORY: So, we all went off downtown, some of us went looking for bars, while myself and a few lovely ladies ventured off into the park and got lost. Woooohoooo. Although, it was a super nice evening, weather wise and we were all happy and excited to be in Florence, that we didn't notice that we were lost until someone asked.... "Where are we?!?" After following a bunch of "I thought you knew the way"s and "This is my first night, I couldn't possibly know where I'm going", we pulled out our handy dandy maps and tried orienteering our way home. EXCEPT. the map was wrong.

TO MAKE THE STORY A LITTLE BIT SHORTER FOR THE ENDING, We all finally found the road that led back to campus, and after walking a grand total of about 4 miles, we made it safely back to  the campus and we did NOT get hit by a moving vehicle, even though we came really close to it....

NIGHT: Success

....I may have also forgot to bring my NYU ID card on the trip sooooooo...... yeah.

WARNING: Today should be the best of your weekdays, make it count. How should I know? Well, I'm 6 hours ahead of you, so I'm experiencing the day before you. At least I think I am.

WARNING 2: Swiss Chocolate, although extremely delicious and seemingly addictive, is probably the most fattening substance in Europe.

WARNING 3: Just because the guy in the dark corner on that alleyway in Florence looks creepy, doesn't mean he's a bad person. EVERYONE IN ITALY IS SUPER FRIENDLY.

LAST WARNING: The sunrises here are magnificent. I'll try getting a picture for you all :)

Today, I'll be attending Freshman Orientation :) I hope to be on Facebook shortly after 10:00A.M. (your time).

Until the next post,

Joel C. Yates
Italian Language Butcher-er

Welcome to Florence, Italy!!

Well everyone, I made it to Florence, Italy without any complications, lost luggage, or lost passports....

So, I left America yesterday around 10:00P.M. EST and I arrived in Zurich around 5:00A.M. EST. The flight was nice and smooth, however, the seats were far from it. Getting sleep on a 7-hour red-eye. HA. not happening. (especially when the lady next to you is snoring AND elbowing you in the side of your stomach)

After arriving late in Zurich, I was able to rush to the next gate and catch my flight to Florence just in time. Over here, apparently, the Europeans are too cool for jetways (the hallways that lead to the airplanes) and they load us all on buses to bring us to the planes. That was weird.

Sooner or later, I'l be posting pictures of the Swiss/Italian Alps, Italy, France.... and Swiss chocolate (:

Until then, I'll be eating dinner....

Joel C. Yates
World Traveler

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just a few more days...!

For those of you who just happened to stumble upon this blog, I will start to regularly post next week when I'm actually in Italy(: other than that, welcome to my blog!

Final preparations are underway for my trip. I paid my tuition balance this morning and I am in the process of finishing my packing for the
3.5 months that I will be away.

TIP: to future college freshmen, get your private student loans done ASAP because the process is super long and super tedious.

So a few of you are probably wondering, when is this kid actually going to be in Florence? Well, here's my itinerary:

August 26th-Sunday
9:45P- Depart Boston

August 27th-Monday
10:30A- Arrive in Zurich
12:30P- Depart Zurich
2:45P- Arrive in Florence

So the next few days may prove to be quite busy, but I intend to post a few pictures and stories before and during my journey over to Italy.

Until then,

Joel C. Yates