Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to Florence, Italy!!

Well everyone, I made it to Florence, Italy without any complications, lost luggage, or lost passports....

So, I left America yesterday around 10:00P.M. EST and I arrived in Zurich around 5:00A.M. EST. The flight was nice and smooth, however, the seats were far from it. Getting sleep on a 7-hour red-eye. HA. not happening. (especially when the lady next to you is snoring AND elbowing you in the side of your stomach)

After arriving late in Zurich, I was able to rush to the next gate and catch my flight to Florence just in time. Over here, apparently, the Europeans are too cool for jetways (the hallways that lead to the airplanes) and they load us all on buses to bring us to the planes. That was weird.

Sooner or later, I'l be posting pictures of the Swiss/Italian Alps, Italy, France.... and Swiss chocolate (:

Until then, I'll be eating dinner....

Joel C. Yates
World Traveler

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