Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Night on the Town

Hello! and Buona Sera!

Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight, a group of my new-found friends and I went for a nice three or four mile adventure into Florence to go see the Duomo and the Ponte Vecchio (see the pictures below!)

DUOMO: Literally, the COOLEST thing I've EVER SAW. The pictures really don't do it too much justice because you really have to be there to internalize the beauty of the architecture and the amazingness of the building itself.

PONTE VECCHIO: This is basically a bridge littered with stores, shops, and vendors. At night it is lit up and it is very common to find couples on the shoreline doing their thing because the atmosphere is literally just perfect. The moon was full, the river was quietly moving by, the sounds of Florence in the background, and clicks and flashes of American cameras.

In addition, I had my first sampling of REAL ITALIAN GELATO. Which was hands-down delicious. It melts in your mouth so fast and its wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Like if you took the word "wonderful" and the word "explosion"combined them both together like they do on Sesame Street, melt it down, freeze it, and add sugar, you would get the best gelato. EVER.

I'll bring back a recipe.

Well, nighty-nights for now,

Tomorrow I'll be getting my passport checked! Wheeeee.... like really, you need to check my passport? How do you think I got here....

Italian Love,

Joel C. Yates
The Duomo, well the front of it anyways...

Ponte Vecchio!!! *sigh*

**More pictures to follow in a few days!**

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