Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Orientation Day (Part Two)

Buon Giorno!

Today, all of us NYU kids were bussed into the city to the Odean Theatre to sit and listen to the administrative staff to talk to us about things like safety in the city, the events on campus, and other somewhat pointless information that really did NOT need to take up 7 hours of our time. Yes, I understand that MAYBE since we're in a foreign country, we should be reminded not to get arrested. But if people are asking.. "Well, what if this happens...." for like 2 hours, I'm pretty sure that we all get the jist of the whole "don't get arrested" thing.

Sorry for the rant.

So, I was cruising through my Facebook newsfeed this afternoon and I stumbled upon this post:

"Oh my goodness, I hope we're not having pasta for lunch. I'm sick of it already".

I mean seriously? You're in Italy! What do you expect? Tacos, Chips and Salsa? But then again, I can sympathize because I have been experiencing American food withdrawals. (We did have french fries last night :) )

Pictures to come soon, I promise!

Classes Begin Tomorrow... Time to put the game faces on.

Considerably jet-lagged (aren't we supposed to get better as we progress...?),

Joel C. Yates

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