Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just a few more days...!

For those of you who just happened to stumble upon this blog, I will start to regularly post next week when I'm actually in Italy(: other than that, welcome to my blog!

Final preparations are underway for my trip. I paid my tuition balance this morning and I am in the process of finishing my packing for the
3.5 months that I will be away.

TIP: to future college freshmen, get your private student loans done ASAP because the process is super long and super tedious.

So a few of you are probably wondering, when is this kid actually going to be in Florence? Well, here's my itinerary:

August 26th-Sunday
9:45P- Depart Boston

August 27th-Monday
10:30A- Arrive in Zurich
12:30P- Depart Zurich
2:45P- Arrive in Florence

So the next few days may prove to be quite busy, but I intend to post a few pictures and stories before and during my journey over to Italy.

Until then,

Joel C. Yates

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